Mosto cotto d’uva- Cooked grape must

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Mosto cotto d’uva- Cooked grape must

Cibo, vino e parole

  • biscotti
  • formaggi
  • gelato
  • mosto
  • pane
  • sciroppo
  • uva nera
  • zucchero

...mettetelo in un barattolo a chiusura ermetica , oppure imbottigliatelo . Conservare al fresco e al riparo dalla luce. Potete usare il mosto cotto con i formaggi ,per fare i biscotti , aggiungere all' impasto del pane e sul gelato . Cooked grape must must 2-3 tablespoons sugar (optional) Pour the fresh grape juice into a big pot. Put it on the fire to boil slowly and skim off any froth that rises. Cook until the fresh juice is restricted to one third of its original volume (about 1 hour and a half for me) or until will have the consistency of syrup. If you want, you can...

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Mosto cotto d’uva- Cooked grape must