
Polpette di lenticchie e pane

Ricetta, ingredienti e consigli per "Polpette di lenticchie e pane", scopri come si prepara.

Ricette > Secondi Piatti

Polpette di lenticchie e pane



  • lenticchie
  • olio d'oliva extra-vergine
  • pane


Mettetele su una teglia ricoperta di carta forno e spennellate la superficie con un po' di olio evo.

Infornate per 15/20 minuti, fino a che non diventeranno belle dorate.

Servite ben calde e'buon appetito! Goodmorning everyone.

It's Thursday and here is a beautiful day: in the air you start to feel almost an early spring and the weekend is just around the corner.

So, why not go ahead and start thinking about something tasty for our vegetable aperitif' In addition to the tasty ideas that you will find in the link, I want to leave you the recipe for this really easy but very tasty finger food.

These meatballs are excellent to be brought to the table accompanied by some Home Made sauces like, for example, a Mayonnaise VEG or a My Sour Cream VEG.

Did I tease you' Here is the recipe.

INGREDIENTS • Stale bread soaked in water • Lentils already cooked • Garlic ' a couple of cloves • Chopped parsley .

vai alla ricetta completa link


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Polpette di lenticchie e pane