
Ananas da...compleanno!

Ricetta, ingredienti e consigli per "Ananas da...compleanno!", scopri come si prepara.

Ricette > Dolci e Dessert

Ananas da...compleanno!



  • baking powder
  • farina di farro
  • farina integrale
  • farro
  • lievito per dolci
  • olio di mais
  • olive
  • sciroppo
  • succo d'ananas
  • uova
  • zucchero


ProcedimentoSbattere le uova con lo zucchero, fino a farle diventare spumose, aggiungere l'olio e il succo, sempre mescolando.

Aggiungere poi la farina e il lievito, sempre mescolando energicamente per ottenere un impasto liscio e cremoso.

Versare l'impasto in una tortiera oliata e infarinata e cuocere in forno a 180 per circa 50 minuti.

Fare raffreddare e .

gustatela!!Time passes fast, we all know that, right' This sometimes makes us a bit sad, sometimes NOT.

 Today is a wonderful (NOT) day for me, because it is the birthday of my son, who turns 17 today.

Time goes by, and the only thing we can do is trying to make it pass well, for us and for our loved ones.

So why not preparing one of the fav cakes of your son to contribute to the general .

wellness'For this cake recipe I was inspired by one of Misya recipes, which I adapted to my taste, especially for flour: in fact, this cake is made ''with spelt flour and whole wheat.

Here it.

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Ananas da...compleanno!