
Insalata si, ma con brio!!

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Insalata si, ma con brio!!



  • aceto
  • aneto
  • citronnette
  • formaggi
  • insalata
  • insalata verde
  • limoni
  • olio
  • olive
  • sale
  • senape
  • succo di limone
  • vinaigrette
  • yogurth


PREPARAZIONEMescolare tutti gli ingredienti per ottenere una salsa fluida, adatta a condire un'insalata verde o mista per 4 persone.

Se amate un gusto pi deciso potete aumentare la senape,se vi piace la parte aromatica, aggiungete un cucchiaino di aneto in pi, mentre per una salsa dalla consistenza pi morbida potete aumentare la quantit d'olio.

I love salads which help us not only to eat fiber and vitamins, but also to stay in shape!Salad dressing is so important: there is not only the classic vinaigrette (olive oil, vinegar and salt) or citronnette (olive oil, lemon juice and salt), but sometimes the "alternatives" are quite "heavy" based on creams, sauces and even cheese.

Here you are a light salad dressing, which is really tasty and fragrant.

DILL SAUCEINGREDIENTS6 tablespoons of 0% fat greek yogurt, a tablespoon of sweet mustard, 2 teaspoons of dried dill leaves, 3 tablespoons of extravirgin olive oil, a pinch of salt.

PREPARATIONMix all the ingredients.

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Insalata si, ma con brio!!