
Gnocchi di Castagne

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Gnocchi di Castagne



  • farina
  • farina di castagne
  • pasta tipo gnocchi
  • sale


preparate il condimento e, quando gli gnocchi sono cotti, fateli insaporire qualche minuto facendoli saltare in padella.

Servite ben caldo e'buon appetito! Goodmorning everyone! It's been a while since I do not publish a new recipe, but I haven't had much time for the blog between the weekly appointment Cuciniamo Assieme a Pomodoro & Basilico and other personal engagements.

Those who follow my facebook page, however, know that I have also experimented with new recipes and, slowly, I will publish them.

Just like this! One of the last weekends I went for a trip to the mountains and I tasted a plate of chestnut gnocchi so, reminding me to have in the pantry a bag of chestnut flour that I never knew how to use, I decided to try to recreate that dish.

This recipe has Valtellina origins (Chiavenna), where these delicious gnocchetti are generally served with butter and Magnocca cheese (soft and semi-fat cheese) that we obviously will not use.

As a.

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Gnocchi di Castagne