
Budino Cacocacao

Ricetta, ingredienti e consigli per "Budino Cacocacao", scopri come si prepara.

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Budino Cacocacao



  • budino
  • cacao amaro
  • cachi
  • gocce di cioccolato
  • pistacchi


mettetelo in un frullatore assieme al cacao amaro.

Mixate fino a ridurre il tutto in purea.

A questo punto aggiungete le gocce di cioccolato e i pistacchi (di questi ultimi tenetene da parte un po' per metterli sulla superficie).

Mescolate e versate in ciotoline, dopodiché decorate con i pistacchi avanzati.

Ritirate in frigorifero per almeno un paio di ore e'buon appetito! O n the web there are many recipes with this autumn fruit that I have never fully appreciated.

I have always considered it too sugary so, erroneously, I have always avoided using it in the kitchen.

What a mistake! Personally I continue to consider it a bit too sweet (in fact as a fruit I prefer the apple caco, a little more firm and less honeyed) but, in desserts, it is really good! So I made myself groped by this simple recipe seen on the internet that has been very successful.

I made some small changes as usual and the result was very good! To be repeated,.

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Budino Cacocacao