
Insalata di barbabietole rosse e patate

Ricetta, ingredienti e consigli per "Insalata di barbabietole rosse e patate", scopri come si prepara.

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Insalata di barbabietole rosse e patate



  • aceto di mele
  • aglio
  • barbabietola
  • mele
  • mostarda
  • olio
  • patate
  • pepe
  • prezzemolo tritato
  • sale
  • vinaigrette


preparata prima.

Lasciate in frigo per qualche ora prima di mangiarla .

Beetroot & potato salad or 2 fresh spring onions For the vinaigrette Dijon mustard 1 tablespoonchopped parsley Salt andpepperto taste Wash the potatoesandthe beetroot.

Just boil it and peel it after .

Placethe potatoesin the microwavefirstand cookfor 10minutes at maximumtemperature, oruntilthey are cooked.

Now do thesame with thebeetrootin the microwave, butcookfor 20-25minutes or untilthey arewellcooked.

Let coolpotatoes andbeetroot,peel them andcut it intocubes.

Place in a salad bowlalong with the peeled garlic clove .

Combine the vinaigrette ingredients together ,shake vigorously in a jar with a screw-on lid.

Pour evenly over the salad.

Leavein the fridgefor a fewhoursbefore.

vai alla ricetta completa link


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Insalata di barbabietole rosse e patate